Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fate or Freewill

Freewill. Theres no question. It isn't my fate, my destiny, to write this post, but I'm doing it because I want to. Everything that happens in your life happens because you made it happen. Everything happens as a result to something that you have done before.

If certain events that happened in your life were part of your fate, then how would you know what you did for yourself or what was going to happen anyway because of some higher force. Everything that you do has an effect on everything else you do. If every action has an equal reaction, then that means that every action I take has a reaction that would vary depending on the action I took in the first place: freewill. But if events in your life were a result of fate, then that would mean that every action does not have an equal reaction because fate would have happened anyway and the action would have no reaction based on it. Get it?

Friday, September 21, 2007

Live Or Die?...Live

I would much rather live a long life and remain in my small group of friends. I don't need to have to be famous to feel good about myself in the long run. As long as I am known to the people that care about me and that I care about, I'm fine. If you live a longer life, than you can affect more people, maybe not on a grand scale, but everyone that you ever interact with in your life gets affected by you and your actions. That is why I would rather live happy than die famous (not that beong famous doesnt make you happy).

Thursday, September 13, 2007

My Story: Toy Story

When I was a kid, I was OBSESSED with Toy Story! It was like my favorite movie of all time! I used to watch all the time and all the time was pretty much when ever I had the chance. I loved the way the toys all came ot life whenever Andy was not in the rom. And I loved to sit in my room with all of my toys and pretend that they came to life also (I also talked to them telling them that it is okay if they are alive, I wont tell anyone). And Sid? What a perfect little antagonist! A kid who throws dynmite at other toys! I mean come on!! Perfect. And then at the end when all of the toys crawled out of the mud and stuff, awesome. That is brilliant. When Woody turns his head around and speaks to Sid and Sid goes running into the house, arms flailing and everything. My mom tells me that when I was little, I would say, "Sid runs like this!" and then I would run around the house waving my arms.

And don't forget the great, the almighty Buzz Lightyear. I mean who in the history of all existence would not and does not like Buzz Lightyear? He the best! Not only does he have a sweet space suit with wings and karate chop action and can fly, can fly. How could it get any cooler than that. Oh I know, how 'bout you give a sweet space name like Buzz Lightyear. If only there were any other Buzzes in space...

My only regret was that I never was Buzz Lightyear for Halloween...
To infinity and beyond!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Siddhartha Philosophy

The philosophy behind Siddhartha is that throuhgout life, one already has within them the knowledge and wisdom that one needs to get through life. That there is no need to search throughout your life for wisdom and understanding, that to realize that one already has the wisdom within them is true knowledge and understanding.

The problem wih the western world is that we, and I do include myself, think that throughout life you gain your wisdom from your experiences whereas the philosophy in the book says that experience helps to bring out the wisdom that was already in you. Westerners think that the older one gets, the wiser one gets; Easterners think that you are already as wise as you will ever be at a young age, old age just helps to show it.