Thursday, November 8, 2007

Ah, Love....What?

Love is complicated because, well, look.

-Is it true love?
-Is it that you feel when you think it s true love?
-Is it that you have to love, like your parents, even if you dont like them?
-Is it love for a close friend?
-Is it love like you do the guy who brings you your wings with extra celery at Taco Mac?

Love is complicated because there are so many types of it.
You can't just like someone for doing something, you have got to have a reason.

Also, you cant really express the way you feel for someone that you love, you can only say that you do love him/her. And if someone asks you why and you reply because hes funny or shes smart, you know that you are not sayong everything because there is always that one unexplainable detail tha lets you know that you love them.

It Ain't Easy

Listen, being a teenager is not all the fun ease that you see in the movies. Its tough work. You are always worrying about something and someone is always worrying about whether or not you are worrying about that first thing you should be worrying about; Exhibit A: college.

Growing up means responsibility, and by the way things are lookin', I don't think anyone is ready for that. Lets just take one step at a time.

1) College: Being this age means that we have to start looking at colleges. It means we got to keep our grades up and have a social life at the same time. For some people, this could be a challenge. Right now, I'm sure that everyone is worryed about their grades and whether or not they will get into that one college that they've always wanted to get into. For me, I worry that with the hope scholarship letting lots of people in and making it tougher, that I won't get into my favorite school. And people are always like,"don't worry, you'll get in" and I'm always like "I'm not worried". Come on people! Of course I'm worried! Its college! Everyone is!

2) Jobs: Growing up means making a living and I don't want that. My parents told me hat I got to get a job this summer and that only makes me feel closer to being on my own. I know people always say that they can't wait to get out of the house or that they don't want to be with their parents anymore, which may be true, but how many do you think really don't want to live off of their parent's wallet anymore? Really? Everyone likes not to have to worry aboutt their own bills and incomes and spending limits and that shit.

3) Social Life: Being his age means that everyone got to be coola nd have friends. If you don't you're a loser. This can be very stressful and when combined with exhibits A and B, there can be problems. Its hard to keep up with school work and jobs when you are also trynig to "have a life".

Pretty much growing uip and being a teenager is not as easy as it sounds, but enjoy it while it lasts, it is still part of everyone's lives (and after this you on your own!).