Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fate or Freewill

Freewill. Theres no question. It isn't my fate, my destiny, to write this post, but I'm doing it because I want to. Everything that happens in your life happens because you made it happen. Everything happens as a result to something that you have done before.

If certain events that happened in your life were part of your fate, then how would you know what you did for yourself or what was going to happen anyway because of some higher force. Everything that you do has an effect on everything else you do. If every action has an equal reaction, then that means that every action I take has a reaction that would vary depending on the action I took in the first place: freewill. But if events in your life were a result of fate, then that would mean that every action does not have an equal reaction because fate would have happened anyway and the action would have no reaction based on it. Get it?

1 comment:

Katie said...

I agree with you, but are you sure you wrote this because you wanted to or for a grade???