Friday, October 26, 2007

Ma Famille

Your asking me about my family? Why? I mean, I dont know where to begin, you know? Lets see... I've got my mom, um... my dad, my brother.
First things first. I have a very clse relationship with my family. I know you hear people say I hate my parents, they suck, they never let me blah, blah, blah. Well my family isn't like that. I've never had to say that before so I dont know where they are coming from.
Everyone in my family is lots of fun, and I'm not just saying that. We go places and we do things. I like my whole family. My parents take my brother and I on vacation a lot and we always do fun stuff.
My mom is a lot of fun. She funny, shes crazy, she likes sports and TV. Both of us get along very well and there is hardly ever a time when one of us is mad.
My dad is the funniest person I know, and I know that sounds cliche because everyone says that, but its true. He always can come up with a joke that has to do with anything that ever happens. He also makes fun of everyone, even me. As a matter of fact I am his favorite victim. He is always calling me a moron or a jackass, but he is not doing it to be mean, he is normally doing it to make my brother laugh or because I was being a moron or jackass.
My dad went to UGA and my mom to Florida so there is always a sense of rivalry hate between the two and that is always a lot of fun. (When Auburn played Florida, he said he was rooting for injuries)
Now last and certainly least, my little freshman brother (he really is little: 4'6"). He is sometimes fun, but very often he gets into a bad mood and takes it out on me. When ever he is annoying, he will start trying to get me in trouble by yelling or something and then saying that I was bothering him and I provoked it. Whenever he is not being annoying or is in a good mood (1 out of 3 days), we are good friends and get along.

If you ever met my family it would seem normal, but if you were invisible and just saw us some random week night, you would think that we are the most functional disfunctional family ever.

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